Chris Connell is a dedicated individual who currently serves as the Community Outreach Coordinator for Hamilton City Schools. With a passion for connecting with the community, Chris strives to make a positive impact on the lives of students. In addition to his professional endeavors, Chris has an intriguing background that includes competing in weightlifting and arm wrestling tournaments. He even worked as a bouncer in the bar at the Anthony Wayne Hotel during his college years, and is excited about this piece of history being restored in Hamilton. A self-proclaimed Jimmy Buffett fan, Chris's love for the musician's music is evident in his free time. And there was a song that played every time he walked into a room, it would undoubtedly be the theme from "Cheers," as Chris thoroughly enjoys the company of friends and the warm atmosphere of camaraderie.
Huge Jimmy Buffett Fan
I used to compete in weightlifting and arm wrestling tournaments
I was a bouncer in a bar at the Anthony Wayne Hotel in College
Choose one song to play every time you walk into a room. What song and why The theme from "Cheers", I enjoy being around friends
You wrote a book about your career so far. What would the title be and why? "I couldn't make this stuff up", why = because I have worked 32 years in customer service
If you weren’t in your current line of work, what career would you pursue Carpentry
What’s your #1 bucket list item? To meet Jimmy Buffett
FOOD: Steak
SNACK/CANDY: Chocolate
MOVIE: Animal House
TV SHOW: The Office
MUSIC/BAND: Jimmy Buffett
SONG: A Pirate Looks at 40
HOBBY: Sports
SPORT/TEAM: Reds and Bengals
BOOK: Life Lessons of a legend - Captain Tony
STORE: Lowes
SEASON: Summer
Why did you join Rotary? To become more active in the community and network --> making new friends
What is your favorite part of being a Rotarian?
All the power and high prestige that comes with it, lol :)